Are you interested in becoming Catholic or know anyone interested in becoming Catholic? Do you need to fulfill your sacraments of initiation? If so, please contact the rectory at 216-749-0414. Formation session generally begin in the fall.
If you are interested in getting your child baptized, please call the rectory to begin Baptism preparations. Baptism is an important opportunity to not only bring a new member into our Catholic family, but also starts parents on their journey of passing their faith on to their child.
If your child is not enrolled in the day school or PSR and is interested in making his/her First Communion, please contact the rectory to register.
If you will be in the 8th Grade for the 2020/2021 school year and are NOT in PSR or the Day School, please contact the parish or email to Bernie Barker for more information.
Should be arranged with a priest by calling the rectory 6 months prior to the wedding date. Individual conferences, plus attendance at a premarriage program, are required for proper preparation.
Please contact the rectory prior to publication in the newspaper/website.
Parishioners can access hundreds of movies, ebooks, short-series and more via FORMED.
Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
From parish registration to scheduling Mass intentions and sacramental records, our rectory staff is available for your quesions.
© 2025 St. Thomas More Parish