From the corner office for Feb. 28, 2021

From the corner office for Feb. 28, 2021

From the corner office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column. This column is for Sunday, February 28, 2021.

The season of tests is here…More than a few students and teachers have been talking about the ACT, SAT, state proficiency tests, and such all being on their schedules. I know some young people are even looking at the GMAT and bar exams for their graduate schools. Yes, we think of Lent as a time to Pray, Fast, and Give, but, here’s a test - how are we doing with all the “Spiritual Tests” that rock our world? Do we find ourselves challenged at a sickness or death of a loved one? Then when things are tough, do we turn towards God and the saints, or do we find other avenues to heal our pain? All good questions and signs that we are going deeper in our faith.

The First Reading has Abraham faced with one such “major” test in his life concerning his son Isaac. The Responsorial Psalm and Second Reading both assure us of good support, love, and help; which should be comforting for us, as we face the challenges and tests of life. The Gospel of Mark gives us the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus with the few Apostles up on the mountain. Imagine you’re out with your friends, all this bright light stuff happens, then the Voice of God – “THIS IS my beloved Son. Listen to him.” (my emphasis…) No need to go any deeper there… and then there is Jesus … Oh, by the way, can you keep this under your hat?!! That would be a test of life right there! But let’s look at our lives this week, as we are tested and see where we turn.

Fr. Mike

Additional thoughts:

Sorry, for the extra thoughts each week lately. We have been having way too much happening these past few weeks, and we will be adding a lot more…You all know about the Catholic Charities pledges that we need to get in, the Black Books that need to get out, and the parish census we are working towards getting out, as well. This week, you’ll notice the Special 75th Anniversary envelopes on the tables at the door. PLEASE- please take one or more to help us pull together funds for the parish maintenance program. 100% of these funds will stay here at St. Thomas More, so you’ll see the results by summer!

This is a much needed boost that will help towards the handicap door and ramp projects that we need to get started. Let’s face it, we all are needing better access to the church, and lately with the number of funerals without pallbearers, a ramp entry will help. The second side of the 75th Anniversary boost is for 75 new parishioners. (See the prior line about the funerals…) We all need to help and pray to “Build for our Future”! The next few months you’ll see a lot about anniversary events and work being done; because this is the year and despite the virus – we as a parish will not slow down. Thank you all for your support and prayers, as we are a family of faith, going deeper!

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