From the corner office for Sept. 12, 2021

From the corner office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column...

“Go in Peace, keep warm, and eat well.” (Or...) How about, “Have a nice week, take care, and be good.” Do any of these words have meaning or support behind them? Any sustenance for those we say these words to?

Yes, we know that words have meanings and that should be helpful – BUT, do our words that we say to others have the actions to support the words? The prophet Isaiah writes of God being our help and strength to deal with the worldly challenges we face each day. This passage helps us to see – as Jesus shares with his disciples and traveling companions – about the suffering of the Son of Man. Jesus even tells all of us that it will not be easy and that there will be challenges to following Christ. The reward is salvation in God’s Glory! This is why we return to James’ letter with questions concerning our words... When we say that we are Christians following Christ as Catholics, do our words actually have support and sustenance behind them? Do we actually live out our faith in action or do we just say the words with little or no meaning? This week let’s all preach the Gospel with actions... Remember St. Francis saying, “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” (!)

Fr. Mike

75th Anniversary thoughts:
The weeks are continuing, and the amazement never slows down. This past holiday weekend included very nice donations from (Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous...) donors in the form of an extra-large grill for events and financial support to the parish. All of which are greatly appreciated and will be used to bring us all together.

The mission of the 75th Anniversary Committee volunteers is to help celebrate and bring together all of us as a community of faith. The readings today have us asking how our faith is lived out in actions. Look around this week, plan for the next parish event(s), and see if you’ll agree with me, that at St. Thomas More we are all called to live out our faith in action. Let us all continue to DO this Faith in Action.

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