From the Corner Office for Feb. 19, 2023

From the Corner Office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column.

The Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time brings us into the view of the season of Lent. The quick weeks since the Christmas Season have taken us through the lessons of Jesus on how to gain the Kingdom of God.

In the First Reading from the Book of Leviticus, the Lord was speaking directly to Moses (and us…) when we are told, “You shall not bear hatred for your brother or sister in your heart” (and even) “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Does that not sound like someone else we know? The Responsorial Psalm speaks of God’s kindness and mercy as a prelude into St. Paul’s letter on how we are so special in God’s eyes – that we “…as the temple of God…” Yes, God’s own temple! That is special just as it stands, and Jesus then continues by wrapping it all together and challenges us to go even deeper than the norm, which is the easy route. In this final week before Lent, Jesus gives us these directives, “… love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” Quite a challenge, which we cannot take lightly but helpful to get us thinking as we move into the season of Lent.

Fr. Mike

From the Pastor’s Desk:

Writing this week’s bulletin messages has us all walking around the gift baskets and donations in the rectory hallway. I use to be able to walk the hallway and the office space in the dark, but have to be careful with all the donations and baskets. I will start at this point of saying THANK YOU! for all the creative baskets and the donations for Mardi Gras. I actually feel for those not attending, as after being off for the pandemic, things are coming back with such force! Be sure to look into coming after dinner and still joining in the fun and the raffles, auctions, games, and good time as a parish. Thank you for all the volunteers and organizers, as I can see at this point – it really will be a celebration as a parish! Thanks to all!

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