From the corner office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column.
“Christ is risen!” “He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” So, this now being the Third Sunday of the Easter Season, I am glad to report that we are “starting” to get the greeting down. There have even been a few people greeting me or asking about the greeting. Imagine the excitement of the early Christians when celebrating the Easter Joy! The two disciples, after walking all day, are said to have had their hearts burning within them – to the point of returning then to Jerusalem. How do we recognize Jesus in our lives? Do our hearts burn for Jesus? Like good old St. Peter, we need to be bold and willing to stand-up to tell others about Jesus, and how death could not even hold him back! Think of how St. Pope John Paul II told us to, “Be not afraid!” or as Pope Francis tells us that we have a mission to build up the Church.
Share the Easter Joy of Christ!
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
HAPPY EASTER! as we continue this Easter Season… The time is here to again thank all of the rectory staff, ministers, and volunteers who have been so very helpful during the Lenten Season and now during this Easter Season. There has been a lot of “backstage” work done, and I do want to invite everyone to stop and thank (at least…) one or more of the rectory staff, ministers, and volunteers, as I know we as a parish would not have what we have if it was not for the hard work of these people – so thank you all!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
Utopia Hall
Our parish hall makes a great venue for parties, showers, birthdays and more.
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