From the Corner Office is Father Mike’s weekly column.
Approaching, now the Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time, brings us into a “change period,” a time of “stepping it up” if you will… The weather this past week has shown us again, we live in Northeast Ohio and the weather will change on its own schedule. The readings we have, though purposely change to step into the final weeks of Ordinary Time. The readings speak of the glory of God being upon us – if we choose it… We hear that, “The Lord God will wipe away the tears of every face…” in the First Reading. The Responsorial Psalm and the Second Reading remind us that in living in the house of the Lord, being in God’s glory that, “… God will fully supply whatever you need…” Then we are faced with the challenge in the Gospel passage from St. Matthew – which we need to choose to join in the feast, the glory of God, which we are ALL invited…
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
The Summer of Fun 2.0 is now well into the rearview mirror, but the Parish Pastoral Council and volunteers are not stopping with the end of summer, as the events keep coming along with the calendar pages. The Athletic Association held a great fundraiser last weekend, for the kid’s sports programs, as it prepares for the winter season. This week will be the Chili Cook-Off, now in its second year. Thank you to all of the volunteers, which are helping to make these events possible & fun, here at St. Thomas More.
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
Utopia Hall
Our parish hall makes a great venue for parties, showers, birthdays and more.
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