From the Corner Office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column.
“Here we go again…” The start of this New Year is the start of our Season of Advent. This may seem as it is all very repetitive, but let us look at it as a journey, yes again, and an opportunity to grow closer to God. NOW, here is the hook (!) that we all look to make this year’s journey together as a “Family of Faith”.
The readings this week start from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah reviewing our sinfulness and asking God to come down from the heavens. The Responsorial Psalm has us praying, that we may turn to the Lord and “…let us see your face…” Together let’s do all of this! St. Paul talks of this waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ (to come again) ask he writes to the Church of Corinth. The time of Advent is often seen as a time of waiting and being watchful, but this time around – Let’s do this together, as a family!
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
This past Tuesday, November 28th we had the #WeGiveCatholic event. This 24-hour period which has turned into our biggest fundraiser for the year will be helpful for our future. Our goal this year was $65,000 and we are still gathering the totals from the various options to give. I can tell you that we have seen donations coming from as far away as Michigan and Florida, from alumni and Friends of the Parish, school parents, people from the pews and homebound, and even people who are new to our networking lists. The Anonymous donors are growing and are very much appreciated, as are all the donors. The final numbers will be pulled together, but for now, let’s continue to be thankful for all the help as we are doing this all Together as St. Thomas More!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
From parish registration to scheduling Mass intentions and sacramental records, our rectory staff is available for your quesions.
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