From the corner office for Feb. 25, 2024

From the Corner Office is Father Mike’s weekly bulletin column.

Moving now into the second week of Lent, we see the challenges of God and the thin line of Jesus revealing himself to the Apostles without spoiling the story. The story from Genesis of Abraham and Isaac can be shown to run parallel to the story of Jesus, but notice how God steps in and relieves Abraham from that final sacrifice. Now, we see that Abraham was ready to “Do God’s will…” not realizing it was only a test for Abraham. St. Paul and the Responsorial Psalm proclaim God’s unlimited love for us all. Jesus then presents a bit of “..a teaser” showing to Peter, James, and John the relationship that he has with God directly – “This is my beloved Son.” This is what is told to the Apostles… BUT - do you notice the next sentence, “Listen to him.” This very simple statement often gets lost, but we need to keep it in mind as we move through our own journey of life. Not only are the challenging tests, proclamations, and “teases” all important, but the simple statement to listen to Jesus, seeing what he taught and teaches us all.

Fr. Mike

From the Pastor’s Desk:

The spring maintenance work on the church is starting early this year, and something that we’ll be looking at for the maintenance of the church. Once we are able to gather the scope of the necessary work and the costs, we’ll be able to collectively discuss what is happening. This will all be a “very transparent” happening, as I would want you to know where our limited funds are going towards. The green Maintenance Envelopes will be used for exactly that – maintenance matters around the campus and for the most urgent areas where we are still catching-up on. Thanks!

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