From the corner office for March 17, 2024

From the Corner Office is Father Mike’s weekly column.

The Scrutiny’s for our Elect continues this week at the Vigil Mass, and the Lenten journey through the readings of the Old Testament and the Gospel of St. John with this week including the familiar story of the Grain of Wheat. Now, if you are thinking it is not really that frequent that we hear it, well the Grieving Ministers and the volunteers helping at our funerals recognize it as a passage often used as the funeral Gospel reading. The First Reading from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah continues about God’s covenant and it is reinforced with the Second Reading of St. Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews. The simple Grain of Wheat – falling, dying, and producing much fruit. This simple trilogy can really make us think about our lives. But for now, in our Lenten journey – let’s look at if Jesus is growing in us and out to others.

Fr. Mike

From the Pastor’s Desk:

Talking about Jesus growing in us and out to others – and as part of our journey through the Season of Lent… I want to again be sure to “acknowledge, and thank” all of the ones out there who are the Mr. and/or Mrs. (or Ms.) Anonymous. The donations for the “help of someone in need” have really been appreciated in these hard economic times. I know that we are all called to the alms giving and works of charity (especially at this season of Lent) BUT, your special envelopes with the polka-dot cards are quickly passed on to those in need. One person was moved to tears that someone cared enough for them – that is all you! I’m just the messenger –

So, truly THANKS!

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