
Below is a list of both the parish and school staff. Please use the department select field to see a specific list between the parish or school staff. 

To send a message to a staff member, click the green send message button to open a contact form.

Fr. G. David Bline


Fr. Don Synder

Retired, In-Residence

Sister Jane Reisinger, SND

Pastoral Associate

Meg Cosgriff


Lisa Carson

Rectory Secretary

Terri Sozio

Religious Education

Melissa Wensing

Business Manager

John Mastandrea


Sarah Schultz

Assistant to the Principal

Cinnette Diaz

School Office Manager

Nicole Kidd-Zientarski


Kristine Redloske


Kayla Sicurezza


Kim Szypulski

Kindergarten Instructional Aide

Amanda Lewis

1st Grade Teacher

Marlena Graziano

2nd Grade Teacher

Kristen Valenty

3rd Grade Teacher

Emily Viskocil

4th Grade Teacher

Alex Urban

5th Grade Teacher

Adam Cottos

6th Grade Teacher

Stefanie Relic

7th Grade Teacher

Elizabeth Petit

8th Grade Teacher

Lorrie Wenmoth

Music Teacher

Kimberly Marshall

Art Teacher

Amber Bockelman

Physical Education Teacher

Lorrie Wenmoth

Music Teacher

Julie Lopez

Cafeteria Manager

Jill Reddy

Title I Tutor

Quinn Baxter

Intervention Specialist

Jason Lawrence


Dawn Sciranko


Ronni Peery


Peggy Spring

Extended Day

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