Utopia Hall

Utopia hall with chairs

Below are the guidelines for renting St. Thomas More’s Utopia Hall


  • The cost is $350 for parishioners or $450 for non-parishioners, which is due the week of the event. The keys will not be given to you until this is paid. The deposit to hold the date is $100, which $50 is returned the week following the event as long as the hall is left in the condition in which you found it. 


  • You have access to Utopia Hall and the kitchen beginning at 9am and concluding at 11pm for weekend rentals. The alarm automatically comes on at 11pm, so the premises must be vacated before 11pm. For weekday rentals, please consult the rectory for rental hours. Keys are both picked up and dropped off at the rectory (left in the mailbox if the rectory is closed). 

Other Requirements:

  • As part of your Utopia Hall rental, you do not have access to the gym or any gym equipment. Failure to follow this rule will result in a forfeit of your rental deposit. Your rental deposit will also be forfeited if you enter an unauthorized area and set off the burglar alarm and the police need to be called. 
  • Smoke machines are not allowed to be used. If the fire alarm is set off and the fire department is called, you will forfeit your rental deposit.


  • A week before the event, please let us know how many tables (both long and round) and chairs you will need and our maintenance department will set them up for you. 

Serving Alcohol:

  • If you intend on serving alcohol, there is an additional cost of $135 made payable to St. Thomas More to cover insurance through the Diocese of Cleveland. No selling of alcohol is permitted. The insurance form for this can be returned to the rectory with your deposit with the middle section and last section filled out. Security is required if there is alcohol on the premises. We will book the security for you through the City of Brooklyn Police Department (The rate is $50/hour, but can be confirmed with the Police Department). 

Download Rental Info and Additional Guidelines

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email Lisa Carson at rectory@stmparish.net or call 216-749-0414 (Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm). 

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