From the corner office for Dec. 12, 2021

From the corner office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column...

REJOICE!” Again, I say “REJOICE!” The whole idea of the Third Week of Advent is to Rejoice… Now, having said that, let’s go back to last week’s question, “Are we ready?” or even the deeper question, “Are you Loving it?” Be honest now…. Is that Catholic guilt kicking in (?) and you find yourself saying, “NO! I’m NOT loving it!” and “NO, I can’t Rejoice!” We are good at beating ourselves up, especially during the holiday season. But God is calling us to REJOICE this week and slooooow down.

The readings for the week from Zephaniah and St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians both talk about rejoicing. I know that I have to smirk when someone reminds me to REJOICE! I just smirk and say, “Yes, inside it’s like Mardi Gras and I’m really doing cartwheels…” But, let’s look at John the Baptist in Luke’s Gospel reading. He tells us to share and serve others, and that is what gets me excited. BE sure to slow down these next few weeks, take time to “Rejoice” even deep inside of yourself and share with others. This will be another crazy year with everything happening, but as a family of faith, we’ll get through it all together, REJOICING

Fr. Mike

75th Anniversary thoughts:

This week, as we move forward into the final weeks of Advent and the calendar year, I want to be sure to (again & AGAIN) thank all of you for your generous donations and support to the parish. There are many who support the parish financially which helps to pay the bills and salaries, and there are those who support the parish & school with their time, working & volunteering. We would not have the parish family or faith that we have now, if it was not for all of you. The school would not be where it is now without your strong support and assurances to keep things running as a ministry for our young people and their families. Thank you!

On another note, please be mindful of the “calling together” of the Church and Diocese, and then even to the parish level. The Holy Father and the Bishops are calling everyone together for the “Synod on Synodality” As the Diocese states: The entire People of God, in all its diversity, is invited to participate in the upcoming Synod which will focus on the three pillars of a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission. Please stay tuned, as we will be planning to have our own parish synod (meeting) to talk and then present our findings to the Bishop from the family of St. Thomas More.

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