From the corner office for May 29, 2022

From the Corner Office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column.

Happy Easter to you all as we CONTINUE to celebrate the entire Easter Season!!! The Ascension of the Lord is a Solemnity, which (I think) is really under-valued. If it did not happen the next step would not be able to happen, i.e. Pentecost – the day of the Holy Spirit!

The First Reading and Gospel from Luke talk about the ascension of Jesus into heaven. The First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles and the gospel from the Gospel of Luke both present two different angles of view of the event. The Second Reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians then tells us of Jesus’ place at the right hand of God. These are pretty big things, and this is all laying down the foundation for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, that Jesus mentions when he speaks of “The Advocate”. Let’s use this week to prepare for the celebration of the Holy Spirit and be glad that we are celebrating the Ascension this week. It is all falling into place!

Fr. Mike

From the Pastor’s Desk:

The activities of the school are continuing towards the end of the school year and the students are preparing for the start of their summer break. Honestly, I think that there may be teachers and administrators just as (if not more…) ready for their summer break.

The summer activity list is out and soon we will be looking into the summer months of fun and work around the campus. We still need a few people to help water gardens around the campus, so call the rectory if you have time during this week. We need to actually organize this to be sure areas are not over watered… Finally - PLEASE be sure to take time to thank all our teachers and administrators over at the school for their ministry this year.

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