From the Corner Office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column.
The Twentieth-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time continues in a way, as the whole week has been, with a bit of a break. This past Wednesday we celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This break celebrates the cross as we remember it during Holy Week and the Triduum days.
The First Reading has the prophet Amos speaking about the corruption of the merchants and those not helping the poor. St. Paul challenges us then in the Second Reading to pray for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, i.e. our politicians… Yes, both readings are challenging, but they do lead us into the gospel passage from the Gospel of Luke. Jesus uses a parable that seems to reward the dishonesty of the steward, but actually is showing the ingenuity and moving away from the wealth that we would say the master was trying to gather up from the poor. Jesus leaves us with the challenge of choosing between serving God or the world. The question is, which will we choose?
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Catholic identity is something that we see in the readings this week, by watching out for the poor, praying for even our enemies, and choosing to serve God. Our school administrators and teachers this year, are looking for creative ways to help our students grow in their faith and their Catholic identity. The eighth graders used the day Tuesday to pray, listen, and grow as a class. Teachers are working with the students to help plan their weekly liturgies. The student athletes are coming together before and after games, and practices to pray. Parents and coaches are even meeting up together, to attend Mass as a team. These steps help our young people grow, and we all must continue to encourage this growth, for as the young people grow – so too will our parish of St. Thomas More grow!
Special News Note:
If you are (at all…) interested in helping out with the CYO Athletic Sports programs with football or volleyball games, please call the rectory to be put in contact with the site directors. Volunteers are always needed with concessions, greeters, or parking lot safety. You do not need to have student athletes playing, just the simple interest in helping the sports program and parish succeed ~ and have fun!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
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