From the Corner Office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column...
This Fourth Sunday of Advent brings us to the point of “Readiness”. If we continue with the questioning, it would be, “Are you ready?” That could be a question on the worldly side and the spiritual side of the house. The First Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, speaks of being ready, going as far as telling of the sign, “…the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel.” Even St. Paul tells the Romans, that we are all “…called to belong to Jesus Christ.” This is after we sing from Psalm 24, “Let the Lord enter…” The reading speaks of being ready. We now hear the reading from St. Matthew of Joseph’s visit from the angel. The angel goes on to explain to Joseph the whole story of what is happening and (even) about ready to happen. Something that would rock anyone out of bed, yet St. Joseph wakes the next day – trusting in the messenger of God and takes Mary into his home…
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
The first semester of the St. Thomas More School year concluded this past Friday, and the students and staff are on a well-deserved break. I want to be sure to thank and encourage everyone to please be sure to thank the teachers, administrators, and staff for all of their hard work and dedication. The “behind the scenes” work on the tuition corrections, grant writings, and securing the financial stability has been huge! I know that many of us, as parishioners and parents, will never be able to fully appreciate the hard work which the staff and administration has put in during these few months of the fall calendar. The pieces have been falling into place to ensure a strong future for the school and the parish. The leadership of Ms. Cosgriff and Mrs. Schultz have worked with “the behind the scenes crew” to deepen the foundation for next year’s academic program to be built. This team at STM School has the eyes of the Diocese watching them and (yes) taking notice! Thanks!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
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