From the Corner Office for May 7, 2023

From the Corner Office is Father Mike’s weekly bulletin column.

“Christ is risen!” “He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” We still continue with this ancient Catholic greeting through the Easter Season as we continue to live out the Easter Message beyond the season. The readings this week may seem to have been familiar, and they are since (for the most part) they have been repeated within the past few weeks. We know that repetition is helpful and a basic form of learning. The First Reading calls all of us to help others in much the same way as the early Christians, realizing that we are, “…a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own…” We need to not only hear these words, but live out these words and all of the Gospel. Jesus tells us in the Gospel that he is, “…the way the truth and the life.” Not something we only take as part of this or part of that… THE TRUTH and THE LIFE!

Fr. Mike

From the Pastor’s Desk:
This weekend we, as a parish, celebrate together the reception of First Holy Communion by our younger parishioners. We continue to pray for them and their families that they will continue to join us at the table to God. We all come together to share as a family of faith, but we should not simply let these little ones fade back into the background without the Holy Eucharist until the next major Holy Day (or at all…). Please continue to encourage the parents and pray for the families, that we all join together around this table of God!

Thank you in a special way to Ms. Sozio, our religious education coordinator, and her team who have all helped prepare our young people and their parents for this feast.

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