The parish once again honored our Blessed Mother as parishioners both young and young at heart, gathered this past Tuesday for the annual May crowning. New this year, members of our Parish School of Religion (PSR) crowned the statue of Mary outside the east entrance to the church.. In addition, members of the Women's Guild led the recitation of the rosary (inside) before Mass and the traditional crowning of a statue of Mary in the sanctuary.
Enjoy images from the parish's May Crowning above.
As notes in the bulletin, please feel free to bring cut or potted flowers to adorn the outdoor statue throughout the whole month of May. It is our intention to later plant the potted flowers on the church grounds.
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
From parish registration to scheduling Mass intentions and sacramental records, our rectory staff is available for your quesions.
© 2025 St. Thomas More Parish