From the Corner Office is Father Mike’s weekly bulletin column.
Last week we talked about “Speaking the Truth”, the challenges that (even) Pope Francis has in talking about Church leaders, especially in the United States, or how we may experience the challenges of talking with our own family about the truths of our faith. This week we find ourselves moving into the challenge of forgiveness. Imagine what you would do if you knew ahead of time, that you could do anything – that the sky is the limit! Well think about it in terms of forgiveness. The forgiveness of our family, our coworkers, neighbors, and (yes…) even ourselves… Let’s not hug the hateful things, like in the First Reading from Sirach. But with God’s mercy, let’s realize that like St. Paul we live of the Lord! We live to forgive and bring mercy to others, like Jesus bring it all for us from God. Remember – we are called to be the love and mercy of God to others. This is the example that Jesus gives to us, we just need to do it all!
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Thinking over the weekend about the “collecting of seeds” from our gardens, I thought of this as a very nice analogy for the seeds that we are all being called to plant for the future – that is the future of our parish, here at St. Thomas More. The Second Reading from St. Paul really has me thinking about how are we living our lives now, and how we would intend for our parish to live on after we are all done and gone. Will there be ones to follow us to “keep the lights on” and “keep the candles burning”? These are all questions, I hope we can pray over and answer with a resounding – YES! Thank you for saving your garden seeds, and those seeds we’ll plant for the future generations who will be coming after us, here at St. Thomas More!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
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