From the Corner Office is Father Mike’s weekly column.
The readings for this Twenty-Seventh Week of Ordinary Time lead us to really consider “How fruitful are we, in the long run…” The First Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel reading from St. Matthew use the analogy, the lesson of the vineyard. The vineyard being our journey here on earth, and the fruitfulness – well that is our lives, our family, and our parish (our family of faith…). We will all need to answer the question of “How fruitful are we?” No matter what analogy Jesus uses, or we find resonates with us, we will need to look inwardly to answer in the end, “How fruitful were we?”
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
This week I was going to “go out on the limb” and thank all our “therapy companions” since we celebrated the Feast of St. Francis but then I thought it would be a stretch. Who we do need to mention and thank are the CYO Sports teams who have been leading our sports program back in to the competition. The coaches, coordinators, volunteers, and the Athletic Director all need to be thanked for their help! We are doing our best to build back-up the sports program for the student athletes here at St. Thomas More. Parents and friends, you’ll want to jump in the mix and help out, as the program continues to grow. Thank You to all the leaders!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
Utopia Hall
Our parish hall makes a great venue for parties, showers, birthdays and more.
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