From the Corner Office is Father Mike's weekly bulletin column.
“Peace be with you!” or let me repeat it… “Peace be with youuuu…” Sound familiar? The blend or transition from the Easter Season into Pentecost (and the rest of the year) is with Jesus greeting us with his peace. We have the Holy Spirit coming down upon the Apostles and early disciples, and bringing those special gifts. The Gospel of St. John has Jesus again greeting us all with, “Peace be with you.” Think about this simple, yet much needed greeting, especially in our lives today. The energy of that first true Pentecost will help us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit! Let’s bring that peace of Christ to others!
Fr. Mike
From the Pastor’s Desk:
Last week our young adults celebrated their Confirmation with our parish cluster neighbors at St. Leo the Great Church. We need to thank not only the teachers, table leaders, and coordinator, but also the sponsors and those confirmed. The journey included a long process of classes, service time, and prayer in preparation for Confirmation. At this point the Church recognizes these young adults – as adults in the eyes of the Church. Not that they are done growing spiritually, but that they should use their gifts to help us all in the community and parish. Be sure to congratulate our young adults!
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
Utopia Hall
Our parish hall makes a great venue for parties, showers, birthdays and more.
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