Living Gratitude, Enthusiasm, & Confidence

Being a person of gratitude can be challenging when in our culture we know how often many have this attitude of expectation or deserving of anything they may want. This Sunday’s readings along with this Sunday’s feast day of St John Vianney and this week of saints, offer us a way to embrace gratitude, enthusiasm, and confidence.

If you don’t know St John Vianney why not read up on his life of confidence in God’s providence. Although he had his own plan for his life, John Vianney was constantly being reminded by God what he was created for and what He wanted him to be. He writes tenderly on sin and grace and living a life of love (

Since St. John Vianney is the patron of diocesan priests, please pray for our seminarians who are preparing to return to the seminary on August 10th for their joy and their will to be His. Maybe offer a prayer through our friend St John Vianney to help find a new pastor to fall in love with your beautiful parish and church since the time is here to find one.

Don’t forget to catch a rush of enthusiasm this Sunday (August 4th) by being a part of the diocesan FEST held at the seminary. Tens of thousands will be there all afternoon and evening for a sharing of faith and the Sacraments. There is even an outdoor Mass at 8:00PM rain or shine. It is a wonderful way to promote a return to the sacramental life and promote the familial awareness of each vocation.

This week also brings us a chance to embrace the life of four favorite celebrations in our Church this coming week: The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (6th), St. Dominic (8th) and St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (9th).

Pray, too, on St. Clare of Assisi’s feast (11th) to understand love…she said, “We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.” Her writings are great, read one this week and find a new friend in her (all found online).

Fr. Bline

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