"They quarreled among themselves, saying,
‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’” (John 6:51ff)
Well, I have asked that question more than I thought I ever would: Come on, how can it be? Not necessarily a context of doubt, but rather a statement of awe…like, really? Sometimes I feel it when I’m watching an illusionist, like David Blaine (NO…not my name), perform some spectacular act, or basking in an extraordinary gift of music or Olympic sports…come on, how can it be? This week it came in the form of the young men returning to or first time entering the seminary….COME ON, HOW CAN IT BE? How is it that in this day and age, with all the societal and cultural excuses and temptations, with all the lack of faith and abundance of scandals…How Can It Be that they would even dare to enter at this time in our history. But, they do…they keep coming.
This week I have been on the opening house retreat with 38 seminarians, resident Priests and Fr. Seoirse from Most Holy Trinity Church in Chesterland who led the retreat. It was on reverence —-not just the kind in chapels or sacred places (that’s easy), but the kind we offer for each person and way of life around us. Fr. Seoirse, who grew up in Belfast during the time of their war and British occupation, reminded the men our true calling in a world of politics and tensions in which are raised. Then, asking the question how does our reaction mix with the call of Jesus?
As spiritual directors, Fr. Bill Bouhall and I love being in the seminary with these spiritual sons. We get to be present to them and help lead their hearts closer to Jesus’ heart…and, they do the same for us! I even have the joy of having a new seminarian enter this week, Andrew, who used to be my altar server at Saint Barnabas Church when he was a teenager. Now, at 31 years old he entered...because he was asked to consider it. How Can It Be? I’m just so happy for him and his career change. Please pray for Andrew.
Why not look within our parish and ask someone if they have ever thought of being a Priest. It worked for both Fr. Bill and I, people who courageously asked us to consider becoming a Priest (and both of us came in as a second career). I have only been in this parish since the end of May, but I have seen already how this place is a fountain of grace for vocations. So take time this week and pray for where the next seminarian will be coming from….maybe right where you pray!
Fr. David Bline
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Memorial Candles
In the month of November, we remembered our beloved dead. Why not remember them the whole year round?
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