
As part of the Cleveland Catholic Diocesan response for a solution to the problem of child sexual abuse, a new program has been instituted.  The program is referred to as VIRTUS.  The VIRTUS Program is designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “right doing” within religious organizations.

The VIRTUS Program has already been instituted at St. Thomas More.  A volunteer who spends more than one hour weekly or four or more hours monthly with the students is required to attend VIRTUS training.  All volunteers with the exception of those who are only volunteering for school field trips must comply with the program.

To comply with the program you must accomplish the following:

  • View a 7-minute introduction video; read the ‘Diocesan Sexual Abuse Policy Manual’; and sign and return the Abuse Acknowledgement.
  • Attend the “Protecting God’s Children” Awareness Program.
  • Read the “Standards of Conduct for Ministry”, and return a signed acknowledgement form.
  • Complete a 12-month consecutive on-line VIRTUS Training, which consist of logging on twice a month and reading a one-page article followed by one question.
  • Fingerprints

The VIRTUS program will be offered in the fall.   St. Thomas More teachers will be provided with a complete list of those parents who have completed the VIRTUS Training to enable them to select the appropriate volunteers.

Individual teachers will send out letters requesting their own volunteers.   All must be VIRTUS trained except for field trip volunteers.

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